
The priorities of human being's decision making

Min-Suk Yoon
Electronic Commerce
Chonnam National Univerisy
Korea, Republic of

Publication date: Dec, 2017

Journal: IJAHP
Vol.: 9- Issue: 3- Pages: 380-384

Publisher: Creative Decisions Foundation

Abstract: In order to honor Thomas Saaty, the developer of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)/ Analytic Network Process (ANP), and focus on the paper he wrote just before he died, this essay mentions the rank order problem due to the addition/deletion of irrelevant alternatives over which there were controversies in the AHP. Saaty ended the controversies with the explanation that both rank preservation and rank reversal are possible depending on the decision making circumstance. In this paper, we will summarize the three properties that fundamentally act on how to prioritize and aggregate the subjective judgments of human beings in ranking alternatives: comparisons, judgmental dependency and rank order. This essay also mentions the rank order in relation to the cases of addition/deletion of irrelevant criteria from previous studies. This essay closes by expressing gratitude to Thomas Saaty for his work.

Keywords: Decision making, Rank preservation, Rank reversal, Subjective judgment, Comparisons